Piercing Age Requirements

*Information last reviewed and updated 07/10/2024*

Body Piercing in Wisconsin is governed by the Department of Safety and Professional Services working in close relation to local Health Departments, in our case West Allis Health Department.

Wisconsin Law SPS 221.10 specifically relates to the requirements that patrons seeking body art procedures must comply with prior to obtaining a body piercing procedure.  For your reference we have written the requirements below.

Note: You will notice we refer to Valid Identification here.  Please scroll to the bottom of this page to see the list of accepted documents which qualify as Valid Identification.

NOTE: **Legal Guardians must provide proof of guardianship via court order, hand written letters will NOT be accepted.  In cases of Legal Guardianship both the Guardian AND the person requesting to be pierced must present Valid ID.

Over 18 yrs of Age

A person over the age of 18 may obtain any piercing they desire.  They must produce a form of Valid Identification to be pierced at Avant-Garde.

16 & 17 yrs of Age

A person who is 16 or 17 years old may be pierced with the permission of a parent or legal guardian.

While valid Identification is only required from the parent or guardian it is preferred that both the minor and the parent or guardian have valid identification.

Under 15 yrs of Age

A person who is 15yrs of age or younger may not obtain body piercings but they are permitted by law to obtain piercings in the ear with parent or guardian consent.

Again it is ideal if both the minor and the parent or guardian posses valid identification.  However, only the parent or guardian is required to provide valid identification.  This includes all earlobe and cartilage piercings.

Valid Identification

Avant-Garde will accept the following as Valid Identification.  Scans, copies, and/or pictures of identification will not be accepted.

  • State issued Identification/Voting Card
  • State issued Driver's License
  • Federal Identification Cards
  • Birth Certificate accompanied by a photo ID of any official source
  • Passports (must have English translation if foreign)
  • Foreign Birth Certificates (must have English translation)
  • Foreign Driver's License (must have English translation)
  • Consular Identification Card

*Information last reviewed and updated 07/10/2024*